Friday, May 29, 2015

Track and Field Awards Celebration for 6th and 7th Grade Girls, June 2nd

Award Ribbons  (pack of 36)

We will be having a brief awards ceremony and celebration in room 8213 during advisory on Tuesday, June 2nd.  Track is a wonderful sport where success can be measured in personal improvement more than with ribbons.  We had many accomplishments during our year.  
Great job Girls!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Boys' and Girls' Conference Championship @ Hastings.May 21st.

Thursday's Metro East Conference Championship will be in Hastings. Here's a link to Hastings High School.  I'm anticipating a longer than average meet because of the number of teams.  In the past we have held boys' and girls' meets at separate venues.  This year we are all together.

Athletes in the top 8 positions will earn ribbons, and the top three teams will win trophies.  This is our biggest meet of the year; It's what we have been working toward all season.  Let's go hard to have our best performances.

It is our hope that all athletes will remain to support their teammates after the completion of personal events.  Please bring lots of clothes appropriate for Minnesota weather and a healthy snack for during the meet and a sandwich or something more substantial for after you are done with your events.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

No Practice Today

No Practice Today because of weather, and the high school is using gym space.
Fun meet yesterday. Lots of personal best performances.  Out theme was "it is a big hairy deal to do our best. "

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Images from Our Last Meet

No Practice Today.

Middle school track will not practice today  because of the high school meet at home.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Outstanding Meet Performance/ Injuries/Coaches Info.

Outstanding Meet!
Our home meet last Tuesday was amazing and notable for the number of personal best performances.  We gave out close to 100 stickers for students having best ever times or distances.  Some athletes had record performances in four events.  Way to go Spartans!

We are working to improve fitness and skills to keep personal best progress going with moderate workouts.  After warm-ups, we may run 100, 100, 200, 400, 200, 100 on one of our toughest days.  We are also fortunate to have world class facilities.  Despite this we are having many students complain of injuries.  

14 students were laying around camp with ice bags today unable to practice.  I learned that only three of these students had visited with the trainer.  

Here's where we need parents help.  We will always error towards safety when a child complains of pain.  Our policy is to keep any student too injured to practice out of meets.  Middle school runners, however, don't always know the difference between expected discomfort getting in shape and an injury requiring rest.  Please visit with your child to help make this determination.

We asked that students too injured to practice stay home, rest, ice, heal and do homework instead of coming to the track.  

Parents please contact coaches to communicate that you are aware of the absence from practice and the injury.  Lets work together to make the best decision for each runner.

Here's the section of our expectation contract that deals with communication.

"Practices and meets are mandatory for all student/athletes. If you miss a practice or a meet, you must have an excuse signed by your parent. Absences for academic reasons require prior approval."

For girls please contact the following coaches for all communication;

  • Heath Anderson (district teacher)
  • Bridget Serig (district teacher)
  • Megan Parker
For boys please contact the following coaches for all communication:
  • Thom Fisher (district teacher)
  • Nathan Schram

Friday, April 24, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

No Practice Friday April 24th.

I hope all families had a chance to meet with advisory teachers during conferences.  We will not have practice, as we do not have school.  I encourage all students to catch up on their homework and get a couple of runs in.  Next meet is Tuesday, April 28th at Simley.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lots of good work on a cold windy day at Henry Sibley.

One tough 4x400 team

This is what fast looks like standing still

Anna running the 1600 meter

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4-22-15 @ Sibley Away Mahtomedi, Hastings, Richfield Middle; Some Bullying Info

Our meet tomorrow is with three of the other larger teams in our conference.  I'm thinking this will mean we are back a bit later.  We never know for sure how long a track meet will take.  I'm guessing we will be back at the school about 7pm.  Maybe earlier or later.

The weather looks sunny and dry with cold windy temperatures.  Please help your student dress appropriately.  Please also send a healthy snack with them.

While the majority of the students on the team are doing an outstanding job, we have had a few unfortunate incidents bullying on the team.  We have spoken with the students.  Below is our number one item from our expectation contract.  Please visit with your athlete about what it means.

1.         Being a member of the Spartan Middle School Track Team is an honor and a privilege. It provides a chance to develop your body and mind. It is both hard work and lots of fun. All athletes need to demonstrate a positive attitude towards all school personnel, coaches, teammates, and officials. You are expected to cooperate with all. Hazing or harassment will not be tolerated while fun is expected.

Please contact coaches if you have questions.  Email is best.  I plan to do a "meet the coaches" post in the next couple of days.  In the meantime for issues with the boys' team please contact Coach Thom Fisher (  For questions with the girls teams please contact Coach Heath Anderson (  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Several Important Announcements

The Simley Track and Field Store is open until Monday April 19th at 9am.  This is the same site that the high school team orders from.  Please read the return policy before ordering.

We will not have practice on Friday, April 17th, as Simley is hosting a high school meet. 

We will take our Team track pictures on Tues, April 21st.  Please wear your new shirts if possible.

Our next meet is Wed. April 22.  Go Spartans!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How to Improve your Long Jump Technique

Pay special attention to the landing phase @ 1:25 of this video.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

More T-Shirt sizes available/ Our Meet Today is Canceled. There Will be No Practice Today

Our meet is canceled because of the cold, windy, and wet weather.  Practice is also canceled for today.  In the future we will be using gym space when available for bad weather days.

Image result for rainy
On a sunnier note, I contacted the T-shirt company today. We can order shirts in the following sizes, youth large, youth extra large, small, medium, large, extra large, 2 extra large.  Please email or have your child speak to me to change size if needed.  I have everything on a Google Drive sheet, so it is an easy switch.  I want kids to feel good about their new shirts.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Track Spirit Wear Order (Due Friday, April 10th)

IGH Track T-Shirt Order Form
          The middle school track shirts will be charcoal grey with the lettering displayed above.  The shirts cost $10.  Please fill out the form below completely and neatly.  All orders and money must be in to coaches no later than Friday, April 10th.  Late orders will not be accepted. 

*Checks need to be made out to STB.  Put student’s name in the memo line.

First Name_______________ Last Name _________________

Grade_________ Circle size   s  m  l  xl  xxl

This page may be printed if students need a copy of the order form.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Track Meet Schedule For Boys' and Girls' Teams

Type  Time  Opponent  Location 
Thursday, Apr 9, 2015
Meet  3:45PM  Away vs. So. St. Paul,
Maplewood Middle,
Richfield Middle 
North - Polar Field 
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015
Meet  3:45PM  Henry Sibley,
John Glenn Middle 
Simley High School - Main Game Field 
Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015
Meet  4:00PM  Away vs. Henry Sibley,
Richfield Middle 
Henry Sibley High School 
Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015
Meet  3:45PM  Maplewood Middle,
Skyview Community Middle,
John Glenn Middle School 
Simley High School - Main Game Field 
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Meet  4:00PM  Away vs. Henry Sibley,
Henry Sibley High School 
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Meet  3:45PM  Away vs. So. St. Paul,
So. St. Paul High School 
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Conference Meet  3:30PM  Away vs. Henry Sibley,
So. St. Paul,
John Glenn Middle,
Skyview Community Middle,
Richfield Middle 
Hastings High School 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Track Meeting Today- It Is Not Too Late If You Missed It.

Great group of students at our track meeting today. We met the coaches and covered expectations The season starts April 6th or right after spring break.

 Here's our group of 6th and 7th grade students (above).  (Below) is a good picture of many of our 8th graders.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2015 IGH Middle School Track and Field Season Starts April 6th. Here Are Our Expectations.

Simley MS Track Expectations

1.         Being a member of the Spartan Middle School Track Team is an honor and a privilege. It provides a chance to develop your body and mind. It is both hard work and lots of fun. All athletes need to demonstrate a positive attitude towards all school personnel, coaches, teammates, and officials. You are expected to cooperate with all. Hazing or harassment will not be tolerated while fun is expected.

2.         Practice begins at 2:45 and runs until 4:15. During practice Middle School Spartans are expected to work on their skills in both track and field events.  

3.         Practices and meets are mandatory for all student/athletes. If you miss a practice or a meet, you must have an excuse signed by your parent. Absences for academic reasons require prior approval.

4.         Athletics are a place to learn discipline and to build character.  We want to provide an opportunity to for all students to participate.  A written participation contract is required for any student who has four or more referrals for in school behavior problems. 

5.         MS athletes must be picked up at 4:30pm.  The activity bus is not for sports.  If coaches need to wait an excessive amount of time for you to be picked up you many not be able to participate.

6.         Practices and meets are a time to improve your fitness level and to develop your skills. Success is measured by effort, attitude and improvement as well as by race times.  If you improve you win.  All MS athletes are expected to participate in both track and field events.

7.         We encourage all students to ride the team bus home from meets.  You may ride home with a parent if you check out with a coach.  You may not leave a meet with anyone other than your own guardian/parent without prior written approval.  

8.         You live in Minnesota! Anticipate cold, wind or rain everyday. Be prepared to add or remove layers of clothing to stay comfortable. Proper dress is a safety issue. Athletes need to get in the habit of checking the weather forecasts.  Athletes must wear shirts at all times.

9.         Academics are at the core of your educational experience. All athletes must be making good behavior and academic choices to stay active on the team. We are students first; athletes second.

10.       All team members must abide by the MSHSL rules and #199 district athletic policies. These are minimum standards; we, of course, expect better!

11.       Communication is an important part of any team. Short notice changes in meet times and locations often occur due to weather conditions. Please check the blog often.

12.       We are a team of athletes from grade 6 to grade 8. We must work together to meet the individual developmental needs of each student.

13.       The skills and the attitudes learned in athletics are applicable to all aspects of life, it is an overt goal of athletics to develop students to be happy, hardworking, goal oriented and ethical adults. Learn, try and have a great season!